Ponyville Sweet Sundae Amusement Park

Name: Ponyville Sweet Sundae Amusement Park
Generation: G3/Ponyville
Year: 2010
Set: N/A
Accessories Owned: All accessories are in box.
Accessories Needed: None
Condition/Restoration Notes: Unopened Mint
Added to Collection: 2010
Keep in Collection or Available for Sale/Trade: Keep in Collection
Value: $25 (Purchase Price 2010)
Additional Notes: None

Cotton Candy (FF)

Name: Cotton Candy (FF)
Generation: G1
Year: Year 1 (1983)
Set: Collector Ponies
Accessories Owned: Purple Original Comb; Reproduction Purple Ribbon
Accessories Needed: N/A
Condition/Restoration Notes: Restored - Interior plasticizer leakage cleaned out. Ink mark removed with benzyl peroxide acne lotion - would not recommend this for colored ponies in the future, as the ink mark was removed, but it also bleached a white spot on the pony.

Pony had a few small spots of pony cancer, so she was cleaned with bleach. Cancer and white spot were spot-painted over with acrylic paint. Symbol rubs around ink spot were also restored with acrylic paint.

Added to Collection: Unknown - probably early 1990s
Keep in Collection or Available for Sale/Trade: Keep in Collection
Value: $6.90 (Via Blue Rose's G1 eBay Price Guide May 2011) (While actual value may be lower due to restored condition, original comb may compensate for condition).
Additional Notes: None

Flutter Wings by Capt.Salty

Bought these adorable paper flutter wings from Capt.Salty at the MLP Arena.